2020 Region 15 Fall Meeting
October 9th-10th
hosted by the
Coastal NC Daylily Society
Friday, September 20, 2019
1:30-4:30 Exhibition Judges Clinic I; 2:30-4:30 Exhibition Judges III
5:00-7:00 Registration, Raffle, Silent Auction open
5:30-6:30 Region 15 Leadership Team
6:30-7:00 Region 15 Board Meeting
7:00-7:45 Heavy hors d'oeuvres
7:45-8:00 Welcome, Nancy Womack, Region 15 President
8:00-10:00 Region 15 Auction
Saturday, September 21, 2019
8:00-9:00 Early Bird Social Hour (coffee, fruit, pastries), (hotel guests get free breakfast), Raffle, Silent Auction open
9:00-10:00 Region 15 Business Meeting, Presentation of Awards, Announcements
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:15 Keynote speakers, Ken and Cindy Dye, Homeplace Gardens
11:15-12:15 Surprise Hands-on activity
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:30 Raffle and Silent Auction winners announced, Closing remarks
1:30 Adjourn

Annual Daylily Club Show
Pearls of the Piedmont
Saturday June 18th, 2022
Important documents:
Two changes:
**We accept photos on Friday at show set up and some can come in early Saturday morning if needed.
**Members can submit up to two photos in each category.
Photo Contest Rules
The Photo Contest is open only to Piedmont Daylily Club members.
Entries will be snapshot size photos, 4 ½ x 6 inch print of daylilies. Photos will be matted using black photo mats supplied by the Piedmont Daylily Club. Traditional film photos and digital photos are acceptable in all categories. Computer enhanced or altered photos cannot be entered. Photos should have been taken within the past two years and not previously entered in our contest.
All photos remain the property of the Piedmont Daylily Club and may be used on the club website.
There will be six categories. Members may enter two photos in each category:
SINGLE BLOOM—must be a registered cultivar, a single bloom centered on a natural background. Single bloom must be only ONE (1) bloom. Bloom must be as it was registered. (Example: If registered as a polytepal, entry must be a polytepal bloom.)
MULTIPLE BLOOMS—must be a registered cultivar, multiple blooms TWO (2) or more of the same cultivar on a natural background. Blooms must be as registered (see category 1 above).
CLUMP—must be a registered cultivar and must be of a single entire clump, from the ground up to the top of the blooms, not a print of a mass planting.
LANDSCAPE—must be of a garden scene which features daylilies predominantly.
PHOTOGRAPHER’S CHOICE—must contain daylilies but may include any other item such as people, animals, buildings, garden art, etc.
SEEDLING—must be a seedling hybridized by the person submitting the entry.
Each photo must be labeled on the back with the photographer’s name, category (single bloom, multiple blooms, clump, landscape) and the name of the cultivar (except landscape, photographer’s choice, and seedling). Photos with missing or incomplete information will not be accepted.
The Photography Committee will stage entries for voting. Any entries received after the deadline will not be eligible for judging, but may be displayed at the Education Table. Ballots will be available at the Show for voting members and visitors or observers. A panel of three members will tally the votes. The entry receiving the most votes in each category will be declared the winner.
Prizes will be awarded to the First Place winners in each of the six categories. In case of a tie for a first place category, prizes will be awarded to each winner. No member may win the first place award in a single category more than three times within a five-year period.
From a voting standpoint, the photo should be in focus with clear, vibrant color. Voters will be reminded that this is a PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST. They will be asked to vote for the best PHOTO, not the prettiest flower or the newest or most popular flower.