Who we are & what we do
The Piedmont Daylily Club (PDC) was founded September 15, 1971 in Charlotte, NC to serve local growers and backyard-lovers of daylilies. The objective of the club is “to educate its members and the general public, and to promote the culture of daylilies.” Membership in our club is open to any person interested in the objectives of the Club. The PDC is an affiliated member of the national daylily organization, the American Daylily Society (ADS), and is organized as a not-for-profit organization.
The daylily is an infectious plant, and people from all walks of life find friendship in sharing their love for the many different varieties available in today’s market. What often begins as a weekend tour of a local Display Garden in the greater Charlotte area, or a visit to the PDC annual Daylily Show, sparks a desire to learn more about the species Hemerocallis.
During the year we have 8 monthly meetings, plus our annual Summer daylily Show and sale in June. Meetings provide us with a chance to socialize and listen to speakers from other clubs or other states. Each year we try to provide a mix of subject matter, not always focusing on the daylily. Our favorite program, though, is still hosting a renowned grower who brings photographs of their latest introductions, and plants for a club auction. Members always seem to have money in their pockets when enticed by the idea of owing a new hybrid!! This is the major source of income for the club.
In April, we hold our annual Spring Auction. For this event club members donate any plant other than a daylily, and these plants are auctioned off to help support programs by guest speakers and other club activities. This is a fun and exciting way to kick off the upcoming gardening season! In June we hold an ADS sanctioned Daylily Show. This show provides members a chance to show their new daylily seedlings or registered cultivars to other club members and the general public, or take competition in displaying grower’s hybrid daylilies from their gardens.
There is also a ADS Region 15 conference held each year in a different location across North and South Carolina. This gives members the chance to meet and visit with club members from other parts of Region 15. The ADS National association also hosts an annual conference at different locations across the US. If your interest in daylilies involves hybridization, you will definitely want to be a member of American Daylily Society national club so that you can register your plants with that organization.
Where & when do we meet?
We meet monthly on the 2nd Saturday of the month at Carmel Presbyterian Church. The address is 2048 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 28226.
No meetings are held in July, August, or December.
Meetings begin at 9:00 AM with a short business meeting, breakfast foods, followed by our featured program.

Our Objective

The objective of the club is to educate its members and the general public, and to promote the culture of daylilies.
"Give a daylily, grow a friend"